Although we have heard of some of these phones before, HTC has just announced them making them official.
First we have is the HTC Artemis, which will be named the HTC P3300. The P3300 will have built in GPS with TOM TOM Navigator 6 built in. The P3300 will have GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a FM radio. The Phone also has a new Built in Mouse that was covered in an earlier post it has beencopyrighted by HTC and is called the HTC RollR. The Artemis will also have a 2 mega-pixel camera with Micro SD Expandable memory. 
Next we have the HTC Trinity which will be renamed to HTC P3600. This new phone looks similar to the HTC Prophet but has HSDPA built in. The P3600 also has the standard GPSR/EDGE, Bluetooth and WiFi built in. The P3600 also has a 2 mega-pixel camera with mini SD expandable memory.

The third phone that HTC has announced is a Smart Phone called the HTC Excalibur. The Excalibur will run the Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone OS We have also mentioned this phone in a previous post stating that this phone is in direct competition to blackberries due to its looks. Also this phone will compete with the Motorola Q and the Samsung i320. This phone has built in WiFi which makes it better than its competitors. The Excalibur will be renamed to HTC S620.

Last but not least, the HTC oxygen which will be renamed to the HTC S310. This phone reminds me of the good old Audiovox SMT 5600 which was also made by HTC. This phone is going to be a lot cheaper than the other new HTC phones and only has a 176x 220 pixel display. The phone will have a 1.3 mega-pixel camera with mini SD expandable memory.